* Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance,Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (Leon Fleisher)
* Master of Science degree; The Juilliard School, New York City, NY (Ilona Kabos, Jeaneanne Dowis)
* Bachelor of Music degree; The Juilliard School; New York City, NY (Irwin Freundlich)
* Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto degree (A.R.C.T.), with Gold Medal for highest marks in all of Canada; Royal Conservatory, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Dr. Gladys Egbert)
* Associate in Music-Pianoforte Performance degree, with Gold Medal for higherst marks in all of Canada; University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Dr. Gladys Egbert)
* Piano Reperoire Consultant on the Music Teachers' National Association Repertoire Committee, (2001-2005)
*Karl G. Maesar Award for Excellence in Teaching, Brigham Young University (2006)
*National Arts and Humanities Award, for commitment and effort in behalf of the cultural arts in community, Provo Arts Council (2006)
*Young Scholar Award for Teaching and Academic Achievment, Brigham Young University
*Named a 'National Fellow' by the Music Teachers National Association for "contributions to the professions of teaching."*National Fellow of the Music Teachers' Natioal Association, (2003-present)
*Honorary Induction into the 'Golden Key International Honour Society' "in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Brigham Young University and world and local communities in the areas of service and leadership."
*Listed in the Canadian Dictionary of Music and Musicians and in Outstanding Young Women of America.
*Winner of CBC Talent Festival International Piano Competition, held in Toronto, Canada.
* CD, Irene Peery-Fox. The Piano Series, vol.I. (Rachmaninoff, Boyle, Chopin, Schubert)
* CD, Irene Peery-Fox and Christie Peery-Skousen, Duo-Pianists, vol. II. (Ravel, Rachmaninoff, Arensky, Clementi)
* CD, Irene Peery-Fox. The Piano Series, vol III. (Beethoven/Liszt)
* Appearances with orchestras in: Montreal, Toronto, Salt Lake City, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Victoria, Calgary, Provo, and Lethbridge
* Solo and Chamber Recitals in Carnegie Hall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, San Francisco, and throughout United States and Europe.
* Radio and Television performances on NBC, CBC, and BBC networks.

* Professor, School of Music, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (1982-present)
* Faculty Member, Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University, Preparatory Division, Baltimore, MD (1980-82)
* Faculty Member, Young Keyboard Artists Association and University of Michigan School of Music Summer Piano Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1986-88)
* Faculty Member and Performing Artist, SPAR (School of Performing Arts Research Foundation), Summer School for the Arts, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah (1986)
* Students are frequent prize winners in International, National, State, and Local competitions and have performed with symphonies throughout the world, including Russia, and all across the United States. Prizes include first in the International Gina Bachauer Competition and first in the National MTNA Collegiate Young Artists' Competition in 2005, the prize being a Steinway grand piano.
* Has given master classes at the World Pedagogy Conference in Nashville, the MTNA National Convention, in Moscow and Samara, Russia, as well as State Conventions in Chatanooga, University of Michigan, Michigan State, Sacramento State, and others.
* Judge for many international, national, and state competitions, including the International Gina Bachauer competitions, the International Seattle Piano Competition, the Sate MTNA Auditions in Chatanooga, Arizona, and others.
*Clavier Companion Magazine- article on Mental Preparation in Technique
*Clavier Magazine- article on George F. Boyle
*Keyboard Companion Magazine-article on the use of Technology in teaching.
*Groves Dictionary-contributor for an article on George F. Boyle
Students in my studio receive a very competitive environment. Members of each age group frequently enter and win national and international competitions. At times, monthly classes are as tough, competitively as the competitions. Each individual willing to work is given tools and early success sufficient to proceed to the next level of commitment.