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Daniel Ihasz
Lyric Baritone




Lyric Baritone - Daniel Ihasz, earned a Master of Music degree in Performance and

Literature from the Eastman School of Music, along with the prestigious Performer’s

Certificate. From 1992 to 2022, he was a member of the voice faculty at the State

University of New York at Fredonia and achieved the rank of Full Professor. For the

past two years he served as the Interim Director for the School of Music and previously

served as the former Chair of the Voice Area. In 2013, he was awarded the State

University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. An active

performer he has performed with the Carolina Chamber Chorale, which debuted at the

Piccolo Spoleto Festival and completed a new recording of Menotti’s The Unicorn,

Gorgon and Manticore (Albany Records). The Carolina Chamber Chorale returned to

the Piccolo Spoleto Festival and completed two additional recordings including a world

premiere by Dan Locklair along with other works by Anthony Davis and Ronald Perrera.

Recent highlights include Lee Hoiby’s The Last Letter Home with the composer at the

piano, Mozart’s Requiem, The Abduction of Figaro with Peter Schickele and the

Western New York Chamber Orchestra, Hansel & Gretel with the Buffalo Philharmonic,

Messiah with the New York State Baroque, several performances of The Telephone,

The Mahler Festival in Boulder, Co., The Jumping Frog of Calavaras County (Foss

Festival) with the Buffalo Philharmonic and selections from Elijah and The Five Mystical

Songs with the Rochester Oratorio Society. Other performances include concerts in

Puerto Rico and in Venezuela at the International Canticum Festival as Artist in

Residence, Strawberry Fields tour with Glimmerglass Opera, Fiesta de la Posada with

Dave Brubeck, the North American premiere of Caedmon by Richard Shepherd with

Opera Sacra, Glimmerglass Opera (including the world premiere Central Park taped for

PBS - Great Performances), ArtPark, Central City Opera, Buffalo Philharmonic,

Fredonia Chamber Players, Rochester Chamber Orchestra, Genesee Baroque Players,

Madison Opera and Madison Symphony. Mr. Ihasz has been the recipient of several

awards, including the 1988-89 Metropolitan Opera Auditions (Milwaukee) and first place

in the 1989 Society of American Musician's Competition (Chicago).

“... The trumpet shall sound, Ihasz delivered the most expressive performance of the

afternoon. ... an expression of transcendence and wonder that eluded most artists.”

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

“...Ihasz’s strong, well-defined voice providing the best-articulated performance of the

evening.” Buffalo News

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